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Science Society (S^2) represents all undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science. We provide academic representation for science students to the dean and Faculty of Science, working to develop policies to fulfill student needs. Our priority is to enhance your experience as a student while also helping you prepare for the next steps once you leave.


The Science Society Constitution helps maintain order and integrity. It states guidelines of how Science Society should function and keeping council members accountable to the students in the Faculty of Science. A physical copy of the Constitution can be found in the Science Society Office. If required, changes to the constitution are made through a motion process at the Annual General Meeting. 

How We Run


At the end of every academic year, Science Society hosts an Annual General Meeting in order to update their student body on changes made during the past year by the Science Society Council. All science students are welcome to have speaking rights and voting rights at this meeting, as bylaws may be altered on a motion-based system. Participation in the Annual General Meeting is highly encouraged so that the representation of all students is as accurate as possible.


The 2023 Annual General Meeting took place on April 25.


The Science Society Policy Manual gives us the regulations for the day-to-day works of the council. These can be periodically reviewed to adjust to the changing environment around us. This is "how" Science Society runs. 

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